Potato Events

Crowd Favourites

The Spud Events

Experience the excitement of our action-packed potato festival, where fierce competition combines with a good time, making for an unforgettable day.

The picking events showcase strength and skill, from the high-flying pallet toss to the fast-paced picking challenges. The main event, the Vin Rowe Spud Run, sees competitors go head-to-head in a test of speed and endurance.

For those who enjoy a challenge with a side of chaos, the mashed potato eating competition is a must. Grab a mate and dig in—it’s fast, it’s messy, and always a crowd favourite.


  • Visit the Registration tent to complete an entry form. 
  • Cost for picking events, pallet throw and Vin Rowe Spud Challenge is $10 per person, per competition.
  • Cost for the mashed potato eating competition is $10 per pair.
  • Registrations close 15 minutes before each event.
Competitor in the gruelling Spud Run

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About The Competition

  • Experienced Pickers/Open: Experienced spud pickers, including farmers and farmhands, competing at a high level. 
  • Amateur (16+ Years): Enthusiasts with little to no professional experience, competing for fun.
  • Junior (12-15 years): Young competitors focusing on participation and skill development.

Amateurs are welcome to enter into the professional category. Entrants cannot enter both Open & Amateur events.

  • Entry for the picking events, Pallet Throw and Vin Rowe Spud Challenge is $10 per person. The Mashed Potato Eating event is a team event, costing $10 per pair (not per person).
  • Fees are payable at the registration tent before the competition. Cash and card payments are accepted.

Think you and a mate have what it takes to be the Mashed Potato Champions? Grab a partner and take on this fast, messy, and fun challenge at the Thorpdale Potato Festival.

  • When: 1:30pm
  • Where: Brandt Art Stage
  • Sign Up: At the registration tent
  • Prize: $50 for the fastest pair 

Junior Pickers (12-15 Years)

  • Entrants must pick three 15kg cartons of spuds.
  • The competitions are open to all, with girls and boys competing together rather than in separate divisions.


  • 1st: $150
  • 2nd: $100
  • 3rd: $50

Amateur Pickers (16+ Years)

  • Entrants must pick three 15kg cartons of spuds. 
  • Entrants cannot enter both Open & Amateur events.
  • The competitions are open to all, with women and men competing together rather than in separate divisions.


  • 1st: $300
  • 2nd: $100
  • 3rd: $50

Experienced Pickers/Open

  • Entrants must pick three 50kg bags of spuds, ensuring no spuds are left on the ground and all bags are sewn shut.
  • Pickers are to provide their own needles.
  • Entrants cannot enter both Open & Amateur events.
  • The competitions are open to all, with women and men competing together rather than in separate divisions.


  • 1st: $500
  • 2nd: $200
  • 3rd: $100

Compete in pairs to see who can throw a 50kg bag of spuds onto the highest pallet stack.


  • 1st: $500

Test your strength and endurance in this 300m race while carrying a 50kg spud bag on your shoulders!


  • 1st: $600
  • 2nd: $200
  • 3rd: $100

The judges’ decision is final for all spud events and races. This ensures fair competition and smooth running of the events. No disputes or appeals will be considered once a decision has been made.

For any questions or concerns please contact [email protected]